It was a particularly cold Wairarapa winters night, my wooden Greytown villa was impossible to heat. A year in perpetual summer seemed appealing.

I was talking on the phone with Jarl and I remember saying that it will be an adventure. If that was the only reason I went to Saudi then it's been one hell of a success.

These are my adventures from since arriving in Riyadh, one August high summer night. Mostly travel orientated but also an account of life in Saudi, compound style, on the rare occassions something intersting happened.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


This would be my first of many trips to Dubai, I don’t get Dubai, I mean how many buildings do you want. Sure it’s great to the beach but it is friggin hot, and that’s in the water. I was just on a stopover after a wonderful month in Pure NZ and hired a quick tour from the hotel. From the tour I gathered that there’s nothing more to Dubai than buildings and the beach.

Next weekend trip to Dubai I stayed with my mates from Romaizan compound, Dave and Ruth. I really enjoyed that. The Vodka from Duty Free was so cheap and so nice. We went  to the beach on Thursday and then shopped a gourmet feast and spent the night cooking (well Ruth did) and drinking vodka (well Jeremy did) and watching movies (well Dave did) on his 50 inch screen.

On the Friday I talked my hosts into a trip up through the other Emirates. I thought surely we could find something interesting and was itching to get my camera out. We didn’t find anything and it was too hot, we tried to have lunch out of the back of the Landcruiser, but the heat was just ridiculous. I was the butt of the jokes for coming up with such a fantastic idea. I didn’t take a single photo.     

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