It was a particularly cold Wairarapa winters night, my wooden Greytown villa was impossible to heat. A year in perpetual summer seemed appealing.

I was talking on the phone with Jarl and I remember saying that it will be an adventure. If that was the only reason I went to Saudi then it's been one hell of a success.

These are my adventures from since arriving in Riyadh, one August high summer night. Mostly travel orientated but also an account of life in Saudi, compound style, on the rare occassions something intersting happened.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Home Sweet Home

It was time, I had to go back to NZ to apply my work visa, they had the paper work ready, seven months is a good effort. Of course I hadn’t been working up until now. This was going to mean I could get a drivers license and a bank was a breakthrough, I would actually be a resident.  The day before I was about to leave I got asked (yeah rite!) to postpone it for a week to do a wee job. That was the first of postponements and cancellations that was going to affect every holiday I ever planned.

In the time it took to get the visa process done, it was great to go cruising in Greytown, hanging out at Dave’s BnG (Bar and Grill for unfortunates who don’t know what a Bn|G is), eating pork chops from the superb village butcher and of course playing golf. It was fantastic to see Pip and of course my niece Anna who had seem to have grown up already, what happened. But, alas, I didn’t get to Auckland or Christchurch. When my papers came through my boss wanted me back asap, and he is a very big guy so I try to please him for fear of my life.   

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