It was a particularly cold Wairarapa winters night, my wooden Greytown villa was impossible to heat. A year in perpetual summer seemed appealing.

I was talking on the phone with Jarl and I remember saying that it will be an adventure. If that was the only reason I went to Saudi then it's been one hell of a success.

These are my adventures from since arriving in Riyadh, one August high summer night. Mostly travel orientated but also an account of life in Saudi, compound style, on the rare occassions something intersting happened.

Friday, April 18, 2008

71B - The Legendary

Compound life is different, everything you can get is within easy reach which becomes so amazing comfortable when you get used to it. I was working with a big bunch of consultants from Europe, they had a mansion at Romaizon, five bedrooms, pool table, huge lounge, it was my weekend home. Christian is and was legendary on the provisioning side of things and was an excellent project manager at everything else....

We laaghed that part of thier contract was to provide weekend accomodation and entertainment for the Customer PMO. I had a dedicated bwedroom for most of the time. The afternoons at the pool were so much fun, in oaround 50 degree's it's the only place to be. The compound had a great bar, restaurant and pool so it was easy to have a great time sitting in the pool etc.

Here's a few pics from inside one weekend evening.

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