It was a particularly cold Wairarapa winters night, my wooden Greytown villa was impossible to heat. A year in perpetual summer seemed appealing.

I was talking on the phone with Jarl and I remember saying that it will be an adventure. If that was the only reason I went to Saudi then it's been one hell of a success.

These are my adventures from since arriving in Riyadh, one August high summer night. Mostly travel orientated but also an account of life in Saudi, compound style, on the rare occassions something intersting happened.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Desert Quad Biking

Some of the day excursions from 71b were quad biking in the desert. For alot of people it's difficult to get the hang of and you invariably spend much time getting stuck and then getting out. There is a huge hill right at the start of the route, if you get to the top without dying in the desert from freeing your bike from sand drifts then everything is down hill.

I went about three times, it was fun but gets monotonous after a frew times. Great to be able do something in the desert that involve walking around. There this one huge deep and steep downward canyon. Everyone was wizzing down it, I just couldn't go down, it looked physically impossible to go down without doppling off the slope. Then one day I got around of control on a ridge just above this and ended careering down the deep canyon out of control and with no ability to change direction. Hah, it was amazing, you don't fall off.

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